Saturday, September 22, 2007
Monday, September 3, 2007
Got (Antibiotic treated and Hormone-raged) Milk?

I used to love the Got Milk? commercials (even though I was a bit lactose intolerant). In the midst of all the random, crass advertisements that wallowed in the ideal of reckless human consumption, the full-page GM? ads felt wholesome and comforting. Flanked by some of the most god-like celebrities (including the likes of Conan O'Brien, Sarah Michelle Gellar, and Pikachu), milk seemed to be the super drink of the millenium, something that Popeye would use in place of spinach and still get the same great effects.
It took me awhile to realize that the purpose of those ads were less charming than seemed. Other than for encouraging poor grammar (not unlike Apple's "Think Different") I would personally criticize these ads on quite a few levels.
First off, a little history...
Started in 1993, the campaign was created by the advertising agency Goodby Silverstein & Partners for the California Milk Processor Board in 1993. The campaign is credited with putting life back into milk sales nationwide after a 20-year slump. So there. So much for GM? being a non-profit cause.
Now, think back to when you were little. When most of us were wee little ones, we were
Well, listen to this:
"After tracking hip fractures and eating habits in 72,337 women for 20 years, they failed to find a correlation between consuming more than 700mg of calcium a day and stronger bones."
"Similarly, a 1994 study of elderly men and women in Sydney, Australia, showed that higher dairy product consumption was associated with increased fracture risk. Those with the highest dairy product consumption had approximately double the risk of hip fracture compared with those with the lowest consumption."
Did you know that the countries with the highest rates of osteoporosis are the ones where people drink the most milk (namely Norway, Sweden, and Denmark) and have the most calcium in their diets?
But what about all the awesome calcium, you pout? Dairy products cause calcium to be lost through the kidneys into the urine, making it useless to the body.
Sorry to break your little heart there. But what's next is even scarier:
Approved about 14 years ago by the FDA, BGH (Bovine Growth Hormone), which is used by dairy farmers to increase their milk production, is actually a GENETICALLY ENGINEERED drug. Not surprisingly, it has been known to cause many problems for the cows injected including increases in mastitis (udder disease), reproductive problems, swellings, digestive problems, enlarged hocks and lesions and foot problems. Believe it or not, about a quarter of the milk produced in this nation contains BGH. Hmmmm...can't wait to chug that down the next time I reach for the fridge.
Obviously, all these antibiotics and injections given to cows will effect the humans that are so overly encouraged to consume it. And not in a pretty way.
In fact, Dutch and Scandinavian women suffer from higher rates of breast cancer compared to countries with low levels of calcium intake, something that could almost definitively be linked to the high consumption levels of milk.
After visiting a local dairy farm (I do love Elsie) I learned that pasteurized, homogenized milk is NEVER fed to calves as it will make them sick.
And even though milk is a liquid, it contains quite a frightening amount of fats and cholesterol. One cup of 2% milk has as much fat as 3 strips of bacon. Think of that the next time you reach for the carton.
But no, sweethearts. Skim milk is not any better. Read this:
"The path...begins with modern feeding methods that substitute high-protein, soy-based feeds for fresh green grass and breeding methods to produce cows with abnormally large pituitary glands so that they produce three times more milk than the old fashioned scrub cow. These cows need antibiotics to keep them well.
Their milk is then pasteurized so that all valuable enzymes are destroyed..."
"Literally dozens of other precious enzymes are destroyed in the pasteurization process. Without them, milk is very difficult to digest. The human pancreas is not always able to produce these enzymes; over-stress of the pancreas can lead to diabetes and other diseases."
"The butterfat of commercial milk is homogenized, subjecting it to rancidity. Even worse, butterfat may be removed altogether. Skim milk is sold as a health food, but the truth is that butter-fat is in milk for a reason."Well, now that we've talked about skim milk, let's talk about what you've probably been wondering about: losing weight. So Sophia, you ask, is it true that drinking milk helps you lose weight?
Can you say BS???? That's like saying, "I can give you a free house. But to have it, you must provide all the materials and build it yourself."
To those downing pints of milk in your system in hopes of losing weight, here's what to do next: STOP!!!!
From the Washington Post:
Anyway, remember this: COW MILK WAS NOT CREATED FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION. IT IS FOR BABY COWS. Considering that about 75% of Earth's human population is lactose intolerant, only a COMPLETE DUMA** would think of cow milk as a "natural" drink for humans.
If you really want your Calcium and Vitamin D, eat your veggies.
Green leafy vegetables, such as kale and spring greens, meets calcium requirements in a manner consistent with our evolutionary heritage. Hooray for kale!
Thursday, August 30, 2007
too old to be in an anti-aging ad. never too old to reap some extra $.

OK, before you hammer me in defense of these commercials that celebrate "real" women, let me say this- the message Dove COULD have championed would have been honorable. But if you look at these ads closely, you will realize that Dove is a complete f*cking hypocrite. Take a look at Exhibit A, for example (Warning: This is NSFW if your employer considers post-menopausal women erotic). Well, let's look at the first, more obvious part of the ad first. It's a woman who is all smiles and "is proud of her body." Awwww. Isn't that nice.
Now look at the subliminal message given at the bottom of the ad. "But this isn't anti-age. this is pro age. the perfect time to trust your skin and hair to dove care." OK, first of all, what the heck does "pro-age" mean? Does it mean being proud of aging gracefully and loving yourself as you are? That being the case, isn't it odd that it's an advertisement for a set that includes ANTI-aging creams? But hell, no one cares. After all, it's the wonderful message that Dove is spreading to the aging masses isn't it? They long to hear someone tell them that they are young, vibrant and beautiful and feel all bubbly inside.
And you know what? You ARE vibrant and wonderful. But let a loved one be the one to tell you that- not a money-hungry, mind-controlling corporation.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
I Say! Wot a Styupid, Ovadone tawpic.

"Hi, can uh yoo tell where we can uh go dis place?"
"We have become not a melting pot but a beautiful mosaic. Different people, different beliefs, different yearnings, different hopes, different dreams."
Sunday, August 26, 2007
This post is only 100 calories!

Anyone who's strolled down to their local supermarket, peered into a snack machine, or had a sweet tooth within the past twelve months will no doubtedly have noticed this....
Nabisco, one of the head honchos of
And indeed, the advent of these mini packs have been a blessing...for the companies that manufacture them, that is.
Despite the mediocre pricing (has ANYONE realized that they are paying $3.29 for 500 calories worth of food?), these handy, irresistable little portion-controlled products have spread across the
As an environmentalist (a.k.a. Mother Nature's b*tch), this overpackaging to me is sheer blasphemy. "Fewer bites. Fewer calories." And a helluva lot more solid waste, most of it being mylar coated foil or something equally non-reusable/ recyclable. So yea. Thanks to mindless consumerism for making our land fills obese!
My overall verdict is that the only things these 100 calorie packs help people lose is money. But for people that have absolutely zero self-control, I suppose this is the only solution.
Then again you could just stop eating junk food altogether and save your calories for food actually worth consuming.
I'd give up a couple of packs of "Oreo Thins" ANY DAY so that I could enjoy a hot bowl of soup.